Is Lung Cancer Genetic In Nature?

There are a lot of questions that arise in our minds when we hear or talk about cancer. It is a scary topic for us to digest. Cancer is a term applied to a group of diseases that are characterized byuncontrollable cell division, with cells that can spread to different parts of the body. Among…

Shock.. Current.. Radiation Therapy

Did the title shock you? ‘Coz It did when I heard it first. I was pursuing my residency in Radiation Oncology in the Government medical college at Kanpur, where cancer patients would come in droves to get treated by what they not so lovingly called – “shock” or “bijli” or “current” or “sikaai”. I get…

Lifestyle Changes for Cancer Survivors

Everyone must follow a healthy lifestyle, especially cancer survivors. Without a doubt, you must have observed a strict and healthy regime during your cancer treatment. It is not the time to stop now. Continue living healthy as it is beneficial to your overall health. Here are some of the essential lifestyle changes that may speed…