Our research tells us that up to one-half of the cancer cases are preventable through healthy lifestyle behavior. It is important to understand that...
Precision Oncology Presently Available in Few Places will Become a Norm Very Soon.
Cancer chemotherapy has always been planned based on where the cancer starts. There are specific set of drugs called regimes which are decided based...
Did You Know That One Bottle of Wine Equals 5-10 Cigarettes Weekly?
The public associates alcohol with liver disease but are generally not aware that it is the fifth leading cause of cancer. Worldwide the drinking...
More Research Says Minimal Access Surgery is Better for Rectal Cancer
Many traditional open surgeries for cancer management can now be performed using a minimally invasive approach. For patients, this means that they...
Ultraprocessed Food Can Kill You!
They are tasty, but, they can kill in the long run! We have always been considering food to be cause of many illnesses that we get. The proof is...
Cancer is a Silent Disease; Identify Before it Makes Noise.
It is not uncommon for patients to tell me that they didn’t have any symptoms and so they didn’t show a doctor! It has also unfortunately happened...
Why Tobacco Causes Cancer?
Tobacco is the most preventable cause of cancer. Number of years of research has shown a clear connection between the two. As per the predictions...
Detecting Cancer Early
The foremost strategy in the war against cancer is to detect it early. When cancer is detected at the earlier stages, it is easy to remove it owing...
Genetic Testing Eliminates Anxiety About Common Hereditary Cancers
It is estimated that 5-10% of all cancers are caused by inheritance of genes that are mutated or damaged. I have often seen the children of Cancer...